Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Beast

On Tuesday I bought a giant Sony STR-DA1200ES surround receiver from richer sounds.

I found an advert in What Hifi Sound & Vision which listed it at £100 below the list price. Maybe a misprint? Anyways, the chap in richer sounds knocked £100 off!

Just one or two tiny problems with my fantastic impulse buy:
  1. It's huge! It weighs 17kg and I bought it from the richer sounds next to work. So I had to carry it home. My arms still hurt.
  2. It's huge! It doesn't fit on any of our furniture. So I've bought a nice AV unit from eBay to put it on.
  3. I don't have any speakers. Now this is a big one. Why did I buy a surround amp without any speakers? Off to buy a set of these at the weekend.
  4. One more. I don't have any cables either. Need to pop into Maplin at the weekend.
I haven't plugged it in yet (not much point until I get some speakers) so I can't really tell you if it sounds any good. Looks top quality though, can't wait to set it up at the weekend. I'll keep you posted.
