Saturday, December 23, 2006

Opinions: The Beer Cake

After Cathy accused my wonderful beer cake of being a disgusting beery disaster I've decided to take it on a tour of the country to test it on our poor unsuspecting friends and family.

Chirs: "The best beer cake I've ever tasted"
"I think it tasted better than it looked"
Megan: "That’s not bad actually"
Matt: "I taste tinsel and turf, hint of plastic, back-notes of the 80s"
Cathy: "It's minging Paul. I liked the frozen Sainsbury's torte better"
"Mmm, beer"

Also, Chris and Anita fed us some really tasty curry. They got the curry paste stuff from Rafi's Spice Box. Nearly as good as my beer cake.

P.S. Megan & Matt also cooked us some delicious food, I'll (hopefully) get on to that later.

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas

Yes, it's nearly Christmas (aka Wii-day), only 3 days to go!

I had a go on Wii Sports at Virgin Megastores at the weekend. I gave Ian a good Wii Sports Tennis whooping, don't listen to him if he tells you I only won because I was serving... lies! Tennis was good fun, not sure how long it'll take to get boring but I'm really looking forward to finding out in a few days. I'll keep you posted.

Check out our fantastic little tree (in the picture.) Good eh?

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Mmm, beer cake

We tried to make a delicious chocolate beer cake. Took ages to make... then I broke it in half... then Cathy (who told me to make it instead of carrot cake) decided she didn't like it because it tasted too much like beer. Too much like beer, how can anything taste too much like beer?

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Can I smell Wii?

(Sorry, couldn't resist a juvenile Wii title)

Today I got some Wii stuff from Amazon. A couple of games (Super Monkey Ball and Zelda) and Wii Play which includes a second controller. Also managed to pick up a "nunchaku" controller (nunchuck if you're not Japanese) from Tesco at the weekend.

Cathy has sent my Wii up north so I won't get to play with any of my new toys until Christmas. She is the best wife in the world though! She managed to pre-order my Wii from Amazon in the magic 7 minutes!

I'm such a geek, I think this is exciting!
