Saturday, January 28, 2006

This Weeks Movies

We’ve been to see a few movies in the last couple of weeks so I thought I’d write a quick (very quick) review of each.

Underworld - Evolution
This is the sequel to Underworld. Kate Beckinsale play a hot latex clad vampire chick and I don’t really remember much else. Not quite as good as the first one but still a pretty entertaining action movie. It had plenty of good mindless fight scenes so I quite enjoyed it. What can I say, I’m easy to please. 6.5 out of 10.

Brokeback Mountain
Yes, the gay cowboy movie. You might have read a little about this one already; the critics love it. I did not! It’s a great love story, not one I can relate to, but a really touching story. The acting was excellent, as was the scenery, but it was just a little too long and miserable for me. Worth a watch if you’re after something a little different, have some antidepressants ready though. This one gets 7 out of 10.

This is another one staring Jake Gylienhual. I think he’s even better in this than he was in Brokeback Mountain. It’s a story about a US marine during the first gulf war but not what you’d expect from a war movie. There’s no Arnie (or Sly), no huge body count and no non-stop action... it’s mostly about what the marines do while they’re hanging around waiting for war. Thankfully, there’s a little bit of shooting and a few explosions thrown in near the end for good measure. This one kept my eyes glued to the screen; it’s funny, thought provoking and generally well executed. Jarhead is another pretty dreary movie but really worth a watch. 8.5 out of 10.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Open for Business

This is the first but hopefully not the last of my blog entries. The website is all up and running now including some nice pictures of the flat that I’ve added today.

I’m going to try to post only stuff that I think is interesting, so I wont be blogging every day. Wish me luck!